How to start your own design agency focused on users
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These are all the topics we’ll go through in this episode
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Read Episode Transcript
Kathrina: Okay, we are live. I’m going to ask you a few questions, answer them briefly or you can add something more if you wish.
Michael: Okay, I’m so ready right now.
Kathrina: First of all, how old are you?
Michael: I’m 26 at the moment.
Kathrina: What comes to your mind when you hear the term ‘video games’?
Michael: Probably a good way to spend my time, enjoyable, probably.
Kathrina: Next question, have you ever played one?
Michael: Yes, yes, I’ve played several in my life.
Kathrina: Can you remember the first video game you ever played?
Michael: That’s actually a pretty difficult one. I’d probably say a basic answer, like Ping-Pong or something like that, but I think that the first game that I ever played was Super Mario Brothers. The first one, yes.
Kathrina: Was it the one that came in with the computer when you bought it? [laughs]
Michael: Not the computer, but with the Super Nintendo, the first one. Yes, I think a lot of people had that. We didn’t have it for a very long time and the first time that I ever played it was at a friend’s place who was the first who had a gaming console of any kind. My dad did have a Commodore back in the day, but he used it mostly for his work and not for-- He didn’t have any games on it, except for Ping-Pong, but I never played it, so I would definitely have to go with Super Mario Brothers.
Kathrina: That’s a classic. What’s your favorite one?
Michael: Favorite one. This is another tough one. I would probably have to say from the Fallout series, I would probably have to say Fallout 3 because it was the first larger game that I ever played and the experience of playing it was just so immersive and everything seemed endless, like endless opportunities. So I would definitely go with that one.
Kathrina: In your opinion do others besides teens and children play video games?
Michael: [laughs] Well, definitely, definitely, yes. I don’t consider myself either anymore so--
Kathrina: [chuckles]
Kathrina: Okay, that was my last question for you. Thank you for your time.
Michael: Okay, thank you very much. It’s been a pleasure.
Kathrina: Okay.
Michael: Thank you.